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© 2021 - Azienda Agricola Iuppa - Via Salice 27, 95010 Milo (CT)  -  P.IVA: 05297570870 |


Welcome to Milo

Suspended between the volcano and the sea, Milo is a beautiful little village of just under 1,000 souls on the eastern slope of Etna. It is 750 meters above sea level and is one of the rainiest areas in the entire Etnean district with nearly 700 mm of rain each year. Azienda Agricola Iuppa is just below the Valle del Bove, a vast valley of about seven km in an east-west direction that shelters the town from Etna's continuous eruptions. Milo's soils of volcanic ash and organic material, proximity to the sea, and influence of sea breezes create an ideal microclimate for vine cultivation. Temperature changes between day and night can vary as much as 20°. These conditions allow us to obtain healthy, ripe grapes with a marked territorial imprint.


Our winery

Azienda Agricola Iuppa is located in Contrada Salice within the small comune of Milo. Our vineyards are terraced with traditional dry lava stone walls that start at an altitude of 530 meters and go up to over 700 meters. Our dedicated team consists of workers who grew up on this land and know every secret of the local viticulture. Azienda Agricola Iuppa owns a total of nine hectares, six of which are currently planted with vineyards. We mainly grow the native grapes of the area such as Carricante, Catarratto, Nerello Mascalese, and Nerello Cappuccio using the traditional method of "Alberello Etneo" and spurred cordon. We also own a portion of a centuries-old, free-range vineyard from which we obtain various types of grapes, some considered to be "relics." Our current production is 35,000 bottles which will grow to 50,000 in the coming years.
Azienda Agricola Iuppa is completing the renovation of an ancient, 19th-century millstone that will become our new winery, tasting room, and accommodations where guests can enjoy breathtaking views. 


Our philosophy

With the utmost respect for Etna's winemaking tradition and the most modern oenological techniques, we diligently work every day to produce authentic, territorial, high-quality wines. We are convinced that constant and passionate work allows us to achieve a quality product that repays us for our efforts. Azienda Agricola Iuppa has been working organically since our inception. We till all of our vineyards by hand numerous times throughout the year, adopt the practice of green manure to enrich the soil with nitrogen, adhere to strict pruning, avoid the use of chemicals, and practice meticulous grape selection both on the vine and in the winery. Our quest for excellence knows no compromises or shortcuts.


7 Hectares
Milo (CT) | Contrada Salice


Terraces planted with different vines at altitudes between 530 and 750 meters. above sea level on predominantly volcanic soils.


Summers are hot and dry while winters are cool and breezy.
The average temperature is 13.9 °C.
The average annual rainfall is 1200 ml. and it is the highest in the whole Etna area.


